Area Code Local identity

Area Code Local

Area Code Local is a site that allows users to search for things by their area code. My aim was to make this service look fun, functional, and vibrant—a tool that is not only easy to use, but a pleasure to use. Though I began with some garden variety “fat, round, and friendly” typefaces, I ended up drawing everything from scratch. It was also important to have a recognizable icon set people were familiar with and still have it fit nice and snug with the type.

It was quite a challenge to build this logo because there were several variations needed. Not only did there need to be a distinction between wireline and mobile web pages, but each particular area code had to be represented, as well as a general representation.

Area Code Local

  1. Wireline, area code specific/geo-targeted
  2. Mobile, area code specific/geo-targeted
  3. Wireline, area code independent
  4. Mobile, area code independent

date posted icon Work completed: December 2005
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