Helenice Dornelles site

Helenice Dornelles site

I was commissioned by Helenice Dornelles to design and build a web site to showcase her paintings and other materials. Her work is colorful and vibrant, whether it be an oil painting, a quilt made of found objects, or ceramics. I wanted to show first and foremost the amazing color of her work. Rather than do the typical white background layout to “focus on the art,” I used saturated web colors that mimicked the bright, primary colors in her paintings. Since the site’s architecture was simple (four sections), I gave each one their own color for variation.

Helenice navigation
The thing I’m most proud of regarding this site is the navigation. It’s super-compact, easy to learn, and fun to interact with. One of the most charming effects is when a user selects a category, the cursor position is immediately highlighting an item (which greatly accelerates the user’s knowledge of how the navigation system works).

The client and I were both quite pleased in the end. She’s since returned to Brasil where she continues to paint. If you have a chance, check out her work here.

date posted icon Work completed: May 2002
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