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Art: Allora & Cadzilla
Beyond Green is a travelling exhibition, currently showing at the Museum of Art & Design in Manhattan from February 2 – May 7, 2006, which explores not only the aesthetics of design and art, but the sustainability and impact on our environment. Curated by Independent Curators International, this group of artists spanning the globe one-ups the usual “recycled used tire art” (that I personally have a great distaste for) by presenting unique situational pieces that oftentimes address specific “flaws” in our current style of living (or lack thereof).
I haven’t seen this exhibit yet—only looked at the catalog pdf. However, I’m really digging Allora & Cadzilla’s work. One of my personal favs is their Landmark (foot prints) piece. And the still from Under Discussion (shown above) is appropriately the signature piece of the show.
Another group of artists worth mentioning is Free Soil (including Amy Franceschini of Futurefarmers). F.R.U.I.T.(Fruit Route User InTerface, but an open acronym), 2005 is just too cool for school!
I would guess that this travelling green art expo extravaganza would knock the hemp socks off of anyone with half an eco-friendly conscious, you can bet your 401K that I’m soooo there this weekend to check it for myself!
Posted on Friday, 24 Mar 2006
Tags: activism,