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Of all the palindromic words I know to express my feeling of IDEO’s new site design—WOW comes to mind. What a fantastic site! The homepage has a really nice opening quality, the navigation might wander from the “typical,” but it’s hard to get lost due to the crystal clear breadcrumbs (among other hints).
Like anyone else, I have a few personal preferences I’d change. I’m a rectilinear-kind-of-guy, so the diagonals on the subsequent pages bother me a little bit, but not a deal-breaker. But I do “get it,” the twist on a blueprint, updated for the internet. This metaphor of handmade actually carries over to the presentation of images—see the other proofs in the background of the main image. The use of color in the navigation is a little difficult to follow since the global navigation doesn’t compliment this scheme, but doesn’t necessarily hinder any experience.
At any rate, the control they give a user is pretty damn close to unparalleled. With each page or article (whatever you call it), you can make a pdf, e-mail it, bookmark it to any number of bookmarking services. It really behaves as an application while maintaining a personality.
Without a doubt, one of the best sites I’ve seen released in the past few years.
Posted on Tuesday, 02 Sep 2008
Tags: agency,