Ms. Dirtay Dog's new album

I always take heat for liking stuff like this, but I’m too damn cool to care what anyone thinks—I love Christina Aguilera’s new album, Back to Basics! There I said it. And I still like Nelly Furtado’s first record to—WHAT?! heh.

Never having listened to Ms. Aguilera’s previous records in their entirety, I can’t really compare one thing to the other. I will say though that the first couple of tracks on this one are just solid as hell. In her class of bubblegum teenage diva wannabees, she’s been the only one who can actually sing. That said, I’m constantly annoyed with all the Whitney Houstonesque, holding a damn note for three minutes kinda crap.

There’s a real old school feel the much of the record, scratchy vinyl textures, familiar beats, funky Motown horn samples, and other little tricks that makes me feel like I’m rediscovering a jam from pops’ LP collection. About half of this 2 disc set is fulll of songs like this. The other half are slow ballads about how she’s constantly losing in love because her sesame seed diet tends to be a turn off for her boyfriends and needless to say I’m not a big fan of this whiny crap.

Lastly, I need to give a shout out to my girl Cristina Black. If it wasn’t for her review of this record as well as our previous conversations about the “the music we’re not supposed to like,” I would have never bought this disc from the record storeillegally downloaded these mp3s.

date Posted on Wednesday, 30 Aug 2006
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