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For some reason, this year I’m all about watching the Olympics. So, I turned on my TV to find the messiest schedule spread across all kinds of channels I have no idea were interlinked. Since my job is building websites, I’m well aware of “usability issues” in making websites, but it was a big surprise to encounter such a huge usability fuckup from NBC—spreading out their Olympics coverage both on TV and the internet. There’s no easy way to search for “I want to see all the events Bulgaria is participating in” or “I want to see all of the table tennis matches.”
After fighting with their site, I managed to find some random ping pong matches, which I watched. What a pain in the ass having to install Microsoft’s Silverlight plugin to see some crappy-ass online coverage.
This isn’t an open-ended dis at NBC, rather a desire to see the Olympics or any other major event unfold as it unfolds—not some half-assed version on my computer screen or highlights on the evening news.
Oh, and I love ping pong, heh!
Posted on Thursday, 14 Aug 2008
Tags: nbc,
ping pong,
table tennis,