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I just bumped into Marian Bantjes’ Quatrifolio and it rocked my socks off. I immediately recognized her style from Speak Up (another fantastic site). First off, what’s not to love about her work – with elements of classical typography, exaggerated “pixel art,” as well as good old-fashioned pen and paper sketching. Her type (letters, that is) has a life of its own – living, breathing, with a personality to boot. And those patterns are sick! ↠that means really good.
She’s a terrific “anti-writer” as well. Many designers, myself included, get a little bogged down explaining your entire life in three extremely clever sentences for the purpose of charming the pants off that potential client we have yet to hear from. She handles it well by (kinda) not playing that game. Anyhow, why don’t you start clicking away and see for yourself while I start planning on how I am gonna run her fanclub!
Posted on Tuesday, 01 Feb 2005
Tags: illustration,