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Are you sick of listening to elevator music while you work? Classical music doesn’t calm you like it used to? You definitely need to check out The Conet Project! This Four (downloadable) CD set showcases tons of strange-sounding espionage escapades. 150 tracks worth of people of various nationalities counting numbers as well as seemingly endless samples of distorted audio similar to the droids from Star Wars. But seriously, this was quite an interesting find. Make sure you download the accompanying PDF explaining the strange phenomena of Number Stations. Here’s a small quote from the site:
For more than 30 years the Shortwave radio spectrum has been used by the worlds intelligence agencies to transmit secret messages. These messages are transmitted by hundreds of Numbers Stations.
By the way, if you’re not too busy after listening to 4 CDs of noise, why not check out the rest of the internet archives’ universal access to human knowledge. (Thanks to Chris “Metal” Murray for the link).