Dollar Rent A Car site

Dollar Rent-a-car homepage

Dollar Rent A Car was interested in improvements both with design and user experience. First thing was to see if a horizontal booking module could fit right under the global navigation and breadcrumbs (not shown on homepage). However reluctant I was do build this, I think it came out surprisingly well. Since the module is so short and wide it leaves a small footprint, which leaves more room for larger marketing material.

The other improvement was to bring the personalities of the cars to the front, allowing a user to use a slider to see the variation in car types along the “Economy” and “Luxury” continuum.

Finally, the layout was specifically designed to behave more like a web application than a purely marketing site. That is, minimal graphics, lightweight markup, and a heavy dose of clean style sheets. Although the current demographic leans more towards family members than business people, by building the site like this we could easily make a mobile version of the site.

date posted icon Work completed: July 2006
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