Waterman logo & site

Waterman logo

On a 2 month hiatus from living in Brasil, I worked closely with a good friend in Amsterdam to build a logo and website for a training company in the Netherlands called Waterman Training.

The client wanted a look to reflect the name of the company, something fluid, organic—a direct extension of the company’s methodologies in re-igniting productivity and satisfaction in the workplace. The other prerequisite was that the colors blue and purple be utilized.

Straight lines were kept to a minimum with the logo in order to draw on the amorphous qualities of water, as was the opacity of the blue and purple rounded squares. Conveniently for us, the “W” and “M” put together gave us a waveform. This form also indicates a business graphic—productivity being charted over time going up.

Waterman tile The pixel pattern at the bottom of each page is a reproduction of the logo, or the waveform. Also, the difference in the pattern’s height gives us a “floodgate” image, as well as giving the page some depth. The overall layout was kept clean and easy to navigate, using a cool, pleasant color palette. Each page also has a short animation at the top which contributes to the overall fluidity of the site.

Waterman website

Waterman website

date posted icon Work completed: September 2003
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