Pitbulls banned in Rio de Janeiro

According to the Brasilian newspaper O Globo, you won’t be seeing too many more Pitbulls around public spaces in Rio de Janeiro (Reuters has a small article as well). Although many people depend on (attack) dogs like Pitbulls as a form of protection against robbery and other crimes, it’s common knowledge that the general nature of this particular breed is vicious.

Rosinha Matheus, the governor of Rio, has implemented a ban on breeding, importing, and selling of these dogs as well as mandatory registration and sterilization of the remaining Pitbulls over the next four months.

As a side note, pitbull is also a stereotypical “tough guy” in Rio. They usually are bulging at the seams with muscles, have no necks, and are hopelessly attracted to half-naked blondes with no brains (these blondes usually preferring “doggie style” as a favorite position although in Brasil it’s referred to as “Fried Chicken” style). Statistically speaking, 98% are into judo or ultimate fighting, and consequentially have Pitbulls as pets. Lemme stop, this is getting ridiculous.

date Posted on Thursday, 07 Jul 2005
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3rd Brazilian Film Festival of NY (Part 1)

Friday, July 8th marks the beginning of the 3rd Brazilian Film Festival of NY. The festival opens at Central Park Summer Stage with Gabriel O Pensador playing a free show at Rumsey Field (69th-72nd Sts) at 7:00p. Then, at 8:30p, director Sergio Goldenberg’s Maria’s Place (Bendito O Fruto) will be screened (also for free). It sounds like a real good time, check it out!

Gabriel O Pensador
“One of the greatest names in Brazilian rap, Gabriel O Pensador, that is, Gabriel the Thinker, has always been different from most of his peers due to being a white, middle-class kid. Since the beginning of his career, Gabriel distinguished himself for the social criticism in his lyrics. Son of journalist Belisa Ribeiro, Gabriel appeared in 1992 with the song “To feliz, matei o presidente”. At that time he was still studying Journalism at the University in Rio de Janeiro.”

Foto: Zezeh Barbosa, Otávio Augusto, et. al.

Maria’s Place (Bendito O Fruto)
35mm / color / 90 min / 2005 / Romantic Comedy
“An accident involving a flying manhole cover leads to a chance meeting between two childhood friends: a widow and the owner of a beauty parlor. Thus begins an entertaining game of seduction that brings memories and hidden desires to the surface – furtive passions that end up threatening the hairdresser’s de facto marriage.”

date Posted on Sunday, 03 Jul 2005
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Brasilian Mayor wins Golden Chainsaw award

Although it was a difficult decision, Blairo Maggi won this year’s prestigious award for his efforts in the deforestation of Brasil. Mr. Maggi, who is the governor of the state of Mato Grosso, is known as the “King of Soy,” as he has cut down forests in order to grow soybeans. Unfortunately, Brasil has a long history of a select few individuals selling raw materials abroad. Mr. Maggi has kept the flame alive by living in the present, disregarding the future of his country by wiping out forests at record levels, all in the name of stacking banknotes. He’s right up there with the plantation (and slave) owners who made tons of money exporting coffee, cotton, and all kinds of raw, natural resources to foreign countries while paying people close to nothing for their hard labor.

date Posted on Tuesday, 21 Jun 2005
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Girls just wanna…pay $500 a month

Cyndi Lauper cheap ass

Whoa Nelly! This tried, dyed, and laid to the side blast from the past is complaining because she doesn’t want to pay more than $500 a month for her Upper West Side apartment. Jez, talk about a penny-pincher!

(Via Metroblogging)

date Posted on Monday, 30 May 2005
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Expired MetroCards fatten MTA's bank account

Art: Brian Morris

Apparently, there’s money lying all over the ground in subway stations all over New York City. Say what?! The MTA made $21 million last year from people not using their MetroCards because of the expiration date on the back of the card. A lot of people don’t know that the MTA has a (very discreet) policy of transferring balances from old cards to new ones.

Hey straphangers! Read more about it here.

date Posted on Monday, 30 May 2005
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Aniversário do Danyel

Foto: Ben Morris

Queria dizer “Feliz aniversário” para meu cunhado e grande amigo Danyel Ayala. O cara é velho demais, mas cada ano ele melhorou, he he. Quase chorei hoje pensando nossos saidas da praia todo sábado e domingo a Itaipu e Itacotiara. Agora tô aqui no meio da merda de Nova Iorque e a única coisa que tá pensando é a voltada pro Rio pra continuar minha vida perto da praia e perto do meu amigão. Então, Danyel, parabéns cara, muitos anos felizes!

Tô aguardando minha grana pra nosso bar na beira no mar – só preciso mais R$100!

date Posted on Sunday, 29 May 2005
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Top Ten Favorite Words (Not in the Dictionary)

1.ginormous (adj): bigger than gigantic and bigger than enormous

2.confuzzled (adj): confused and puzzled at the same time

3.woot (interj): an exclamation of joy or excitement

4.chillax (v): chill out/relax, hang out with friends

5.cognitive displaysia (n): the feeling you have before you even leave the house that you are going to forget something and not remember it until you’re on the highway

6.gription (n): the purchase gained by friction: “My car needs new tires because the old ones have lost their gription.”

7.phonecrastinate (v): to put off answering the phone until caller ID displays the incoming name and number

8.slickery (adj): having a surface that is wet and icy

9.snirt (n): snow that is dirty, often seen by the side of roads and parking lots that have been plowed

10.lingweenie (n): a person incapable of producing neologisms

…per Merriam-Webster

date Posted on Sunday, 29 May 2005
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Meet the world

Art: Icaro Doria

A team at Lisbon-based monthly magazine Grande Reportagem came up with a chain e-mail campaign that uses the flags of eight different national flags to show relevant issues particular to each country.

Art: Icaro Doria

In a statement to BrazilianArtists.net Brasilian-born Icaro Doria says:

“We started to research relevant, global, and current facts and, thus, came up with the idea to put new meanings to the colours of the flags. We used real data taken from the websites of Amnesty International and the UN.”

Although, some comments from adland users dispute the validity of the data I have to agree with one comment that it really doesn’t matter about the accuracy – the statement has been made in a very emotional way and that’s what counts.

I think the idea and execution of this project is outstanding; remeniscent of the work of Tibor Kalman, Sagmeister, and the like. Here’s a link to view all eight pieces.

date Posted on Saturday, 28 May 2005
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FBI redesigns Elitetorrents.org

I just read in Wired that the FBI closed down Elitetorrents.org in the name of the global war on terror drugs piracy. The federal government had three of their best men quickly redesign the homepage as a future deterrent for said illegal (and unequivocally immoral) behavior.

Speaking of torrent sites, these guys have funny infographics as well as reproductions of e-mails and their responses regarding their legal threats from “the man.”

date Posted on Thursday, 26 May 2005
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Monkey ousts mantis as sole praying animal

“When we saw the monkey joining us we were surprised. We did not try to drive it out and it continued praying for nearly an hour amid hundreds of devotees,” Behera told IANS. It stayed around till evening when it ran into the nearby forests. “We have not seen any monkey around for the last two years. This is a miracle for us,” Behera said.

It was speculated that soon after monkeys got tired of throwing their feces all over the place they’d begin to smoke cigarettes and eventually seek eternal life by praying to the gods. Looks that that day has arrived.

Or it could just be another case of monkey see, monkey do.

Link to article (via Boing Boing)

date Posted on Thursday, 26 May 2005
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Habana Outpost: NYC's first solar-powered restaurant

Habana OutpostIt’s about time! Three cheers for solar-powered ANYTHING! Check out their site here for the full scoop.

Restaurateur/entrepreneur Sean Meenan’s vision expands far beyond plans for a new site at which to sell his Café Habana (Meenan’s restaurant on Elizabeth & Prince St.) classics. Habana Outpost: Brooklyn creates a venue for local artists which supports local economies and builds community. The Outpost is a seasonal affair that will take place for 6 months out of the year, and will feature an inventive roster of entertainment and special events (a little something for everyone) that are sure to make it a popular destination. Building New York’s first solar powered restaurant/artist community is just the beginning for Sean. Just wait to see what he’s up to next…

date Posted on Tuesday, 24 May 2005
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The Charles Mingus CAT-alog for toilet training your cat

Charles Mingus Cat-alog While I’m still reading Beneath The Underdog, I have to tell you I have Mingus Mingus Mingus on the brain! So, I was searching around and came across a really funny article, written by Mr. Mingus, on how to toilet train your cat. He goes on about how to do it as if he were a cat in his past life or something.

“It took me about three or four weeks to toilet train my cat, Nightlife. Most of the time is spent moving the box very gradually to the bathroom. Do it very slowly and don’t confuse him. And, remember, once the box is on the toilet, leave it a week or even two. The main thing to remember is not to rush or confuse him.”

I really loved this article. It was such an off-the-wall read coming from him. Hope you all enjoy it as well.

Apparently, CityKitty has a new and improved way to train your cat to crap in the toilet.

date Posted on Sunday, 22 May 2005
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"My boy" Charles Mingus

So, I’ve been reading Beneath The Underdog by Charles Mingus on the train for the last few days. First of all I have to just say that his music stands on its own. I don’t have to know anything about him or whatever happened to him along the way to come to this conclusion. However, we all know that when we love art the stories behind the curtains make everything that much more fascinating.

Realizing how half-assed it is to write something related to a review while I’m only 1/3 through the book, I’m going to continue.

First off, his voice really seems to come through—similarly how Miles Davis’ autobiography (Milescheck out Miles Davis' autobiography at Amazon.com) reads. It’s not polished “academic” english, however, it isn’t gratuitous in the name of entertaining white folks either. I also dig how he spells out selected words so we can hear ‘em (schitt = shit).

Straight from the beginning, we get a taste of his struggles of being a (light-skinned) black man in Watts—neither black nor white, but both. These issues would follow him his entire life (judging from the several articles I’ve read on him in the past). Mingus was beyond these stereotypes, he seemed to see right through people. He talks about his carnal affairs with the lascivious Mexican girl in the neighborhood like Henry Miller talks about his lovers. That is, full of romance and poetry with plenty of four-letter words to back it up.

I think I’m gonna put the brakes on right now. He just got married and had a baby boy—let’s see where we go from here!

For now, feel free to check out the Official Mingus site as well as a site with several album reviews.

date Posted on Tuesday, 17 May 2005
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Lost Pollock paintings resurface

It appears that 32 previously unrecorded paintings from American painter Jackson Pollock (1912-1956) were discovered in 2002 after the late painter’s friend’s son was cleaning out his father’s storage facility in East Hampton, New York. Pollock Matters 2006 is a site set up concerning this recent discovery. (2006 will be the 50th anniversary of his death).

date Posted on Monday, 16 May 2005
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Apple Power Mac G5 + 23" Cinema Display

I’m really close to upgrading from my aging 500 mhz TiBook (ouch!) to a desktop system. My laptop’s been good to me—from NYC to Rio to São Paulo to Seattle and back to NYC, this baby’s been a hardworker.

date Posted on Friday, 13 May 2005
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Henry Miller paintings for auction

Over 200 paintings will be auctioned off on eBay in four days. The paintings are mostly watercolors which were made between 1944-1963. The asking price is 1.5 million USD which breaks down to $7100 per painting.

If that’s too expensive for you, I’ll sell you a print of this one for $50!

date Posted on Friday, 13 May 2005
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